But you can automate a lot of testing
Enjoy your testing setup
Different path separators:
# Linux /some/path # Windows \\some\\path
# Linux /some/path # Windows \\some\\path
You can use libraries like pathe for path normalization.
ESM loader:
/* Linux */ await import(somePath) /* Windows */ await import(pathToFileURL(somePath).href)
/* Linux */ await import(somePath) /* Windows */ await import(pathToFileURL(somePath).href)
jobs: unit-tests: strategy: matrix: os: [ubuntu-latest, windows-latest] runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} steps: - run: 'Your tests'
jobs: unit-tests: strategy: matrix: os: [ubuntu-latest, windows-latest] runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} steps: - run: 'Your tests'
jobs: build: strategy: matrix: node: [16, 18, 20] runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Setup node uses: actions/setup-node@v3 with: node-version: ${{ matrix.node }} - run: 'Your tests'
jobs: build: strategy: matrix: node: [16, 18, 20] runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Setup node uses: actions/setup-node@v3 with: node-version: ${{ matrix.node }} - run: 'Your tests'
jobs: build: strategy: matrix: browser: [chrome, firefox] runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: cypress-io/github-action@v5 with: browser: ${{ matrix.browser }}
jobs: build: strategy: matrix: browser: [chrome, firefox] runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: cypress-io/github-action@v5 with: browser: ${{ matrix.browser }}
describe('Testing TRAILING_SLASH env var', () => { beforeAll(() => { process.env.TRAILING_SLASH = 'true' }) it('should add trailing slash to url', () => {# expect(modifyUrl('http://example.com')).toBe('http://example.com/') }) afterAll(() => { delete process.env.TRAILING_SLASH }) })
describe('Testing TRAILING_SLASH env var', () => { beforeAll(() => { process.env.TRAILING_SLASH = 'true' }) it('should add trailing slash to url', () => {# expect(modifyUrl('http://example.com')).toBe('http://example.com/') }) afterAll(() => { delete process.env.TRAILING_SLASH }) })
type Config = { trailingSlash: 'always' | 'never' } const config: Config = { trailingSlash: 'always', } export default config
type Config = { trailingSlash: 'always' | 'never' } const config: Config = { trailingSlash: 'always', } export default config
const trailingSlash = process.env.TRAILING_SLASH || 'always' const config: Config = { trailingSlash, } export default config
const trailingSlash = process.env.TRAILING_SLASH || 'always' const config: Config = { trailingSlash, } export default config
Set the environment variable inside the scripts you run:
{ "scripts": { "test": "npm-run-all -c -s test:always test:never", "test:always": "cross-env OPTION=always npm run test-script", "test:never": "cross-env OPTION=never npm run test-script", "//": "Other scripts...", "cy:config": "cross-env-shell cypress run --config-file \"cypress/configs/$OPTION.ts\"", "build:opt": "cross-env-shell TRAILING_SLASH=$OPTION npm run build", } }
{ "scripts": { "test": "npm-run-all -c -s test:always test:never", "test:always": "cross-env OPTION=always npm run test-script", "test:never": "cross-env OPTION=never npm run test-script", "//": "Other scripts...", "cy:config": "cross-env-shell cypress run --config-file \"cypress/configs/$OPTION.ts\"", "build:opt": "cross-env-shell TRAILING_SLASH=$OPTION npm run build", } }
informationdescribe('Client-side navigation', () => { it('did not reload', () => { cy.visit('/') cy.window().then(win => { win.__didNotReload = true }) cy.findByText('Page 2').click() cy.window().its('__didNotReload').should('equal', true) }) })
describe('Client-side navigation', () => { it('did not reload', () => { cy.visit('/') cy.window().then(win => { win.__didNotReload = true }) cy.findByText('Page 2').click() cy.window().its('__didNotReload').should('equal', true) }) })
informationCypress.Commands.overwrite('visit', (orig, url, options = {}) => { const newOptions = { ...options, onBeforeLoad: win => { if (options.onBeforeLoad) { options.onBeforeLoad(win) } cy.spy(win.console, 'log').as('hmrConsoleLog') }, } return orig(url, newOptions) }) Cypress.Commands.add('waitForHmr', (message = 'App is up to date') => { cy.get('@hmrConsoleLog').should('be.calledWithMatch', message) cy.wait(1000) })
Cypress.Commands.overwrite('visit', (orig, url, options = {}) => { const newOptions = { ...options, onBeforeLoad: win => { if (options.onBeforeLoad) { options.onBeforeLoad(win) } cy.spy(win.console, 'log').as('hmrConsoleLog') }, } return orig(url, newOptions) }) Cypress.Commands.add('waitForHmr', (message = 'App is up to date') => { cy.get('@hmrConsoleLog').should('be.calledWithMatch', message) cy.wait(1000) })
React component:
export default function Title() { return <h1 data-testid="title">{'%TITLE%'}</h1> }
export default function Title() { return <h1 data-testid="title">{'%TITLE%'}</h1> }
describe('HMR: React components', () => { it('updates on change', () => { const text = `Hello World` cy.exec( `npm run update -- --file src/components/title.tsx --replacements "TITLE:${text}"` ) cy.waitForHmr() cy.findByTestId('title').should('have.text', text) }) })
describe('HMR: React components', () => { it('updates on change', () => { const text = `Hello World` cy.exec( `npm run update -- --file src/components/title.tsx --replacements "TITLE:${text}"` ) cy.waitForHmr() cy.findByTestId('title').should('have.text', text) }) })
There are many great talks and articles about this! Please watch/read those to learn more.
For automated testing I can recommend:
But automated testing should only be a part of your a11y strategy.
describe(`Webpack Assets`, () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.intercept("/static/font-name-**.woff2").as("font-regular") cy.intercept("/image-file.png").as("static-folder-image") cy.visit(`/assets`) }) it(`should create font file`, () => { cy.wait("@font-regular").should(req => { expect(req.response.url).to.match(/font-name-/i) }) }) it(`should load static folder asset`, () => { cy.wait("@static-folder-image").should(req => { expect(req.response.statusCode).to.be.gte(200).and.lt(400) }) }) })
describe(`Webpack Assets`, () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.intercept("/static/font-name-**.woff2").as("font-regular") cy.intercept("/image-file.png").as("static-folder-image") cy.visit(`/assets`) }) it(`should create font file`, () => { cy.wait("@font-regular").should(req => { expect(req.response.url).to.match(/font-name-/i) }) }) it(`should load static folder asset`, () => { cy.wait("@static-folder-image").should(req => { expect(req.response.statusCode).to.be.gte(200).and.lt(400) }) }) })
These are all edge-cases but you can still make your framework resilient against those things.
/* --- Cypress Configuration --- */ import { defineConfig } from "cypress" // Utilties later used on "task" import { blockResourcesUtils } from "./cypress/utils/block-resources" export default defineConfig({ e2e: { setupNodeEvents(on) { on(`task`, { ...blockResourcesUtils }) }, }, }) /* --- Test File --- */ const runBlockedScenario = ({ filter, pagePath }) => { beforeEach(() => { // "getAssetsForPage" is our own utility cy.task("getAssetsForPage", { pagePath, filter }).then(urls => { for (const url of urls) { cy.intercept(url, { statusCode: 404, body: "", }) cy.log(`intercept ${url}`) } }) }) runTests(`Blocked "${filter}" for "${pagePath}"`) }
/* --- Cypress Configuration --- */ import { defineConfig } from "cypress" // Utilties later used on "task" import { blockResourcesUtils } from "./cypress/utils/block-resources" export default defineConfig({ e2e: { setupNodeEvents(on) { on(`task`, { ...blockResourcesUtils }) }, }, }) /* --- Test File --- */ const runBlockedScenario = ({ filter, pagePath }) => { beforeEach(() => { // "getAssetsForPage" is our own utility cy.task("getAssetsForPage", { pagePath, filter }).then(urls => { for (const url of urls) { cy.intercept(url, { statusCode: 404, body: "", }) cy.log(`intercept ${url}`) } }) }) runTests(`Blocked "${filter}" for "${pagePath}"`) }
Your front-end can have checks like these:
const isSlow = () => { if ('connection' in navigator && typeof navigator.connection !== 'undefined') { if ((navigator.connection.effectiveType || '').includes('2g')) { return true } if (navigator.connection.saveData) { return true } } return false } class Loader { shouldPrefetch(pagePath) { if (isSlow()) { return false } return true } }
const isSlow = () => { if ('connection' in navigator && typeof navigator.connection !== 'undefined') { if ((navigator.connection.effectiveType || '').includes('2g')) { return true } if (navigator.connection.saveData) { return true } } return false } class Loader { shouldPrefetch(pagePath) { if (isSlow()) { return false } return true } }
Cypress.Commands.add('visitWithType', (url, effectiveType) => { cy.visit(url, { onBeforeLoad(win) { const connection = { effectiveType, addEventListener: () => {}, } cy.stub(win.navigator, 'connection', connection); }, }) }) describe('Loading indicator', () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.visitWithType('/', '2g') }) it('shown on 2G speed', () => { cy.findByTestId('loading-indicator').should('be.visible') }) })
Cypress.Commands.add('visitWithType', (url, effectiveType) => { cy.visit(url, { onBeforeLoad(win) { const connection = { effectiveType, addEventListener: () => {}, } cy.stub(win.navigator, 'connection', connection); }, }) }) describe('Loading indicator', () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.visitWithType('/', '2g') }) it('shown on 2G speed', () => { cy.findByTestId('loading-indicator').should('be.visible') }) })
Similarly you can also check for bots:
const BOT_REGEX = /bot|crawler|spider|crawling/i class Loader { shouldPrefetch(pagePath) { if (navigator.userAgent && BOT_REGEX.test(navigator.userAgent)) { return false } return true } }
const BOT_REGEX = /bot|crawler|spider|crawling/i class Loader { shouldPrefetch(pagePath) { if (navigator.userAgent && BOT_REGEX.test(navigator.userAgent)) { return false } return true } }
{ "scripts": { "cy:run:bot": "CYPRESS_CONNECTION_TYPE=bot cypress run", } }
{ "scripts": { "cy:run:bot": "CYPRESS_CONNECTION_TYPE=bot cypress run", } }
{ setupNodeEvents(on) { on('before:browser:launch', (browser = {}, opts) => { if (process.env.CYPRESS_CONNECTION_TYPE === `bot`) { opts.args.push('--user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)"') } return opts }) }, },
{ setupNodeEvents(on) { on('before:browser:launch', (browser = {}, opts) => { if (process.env.CYPRESS_CONNECTION_TYPE === `bot`) { opts.args.push('--user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)"') } return opts }) }, },
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